Sunday, March 22, 2015

Next to Our Last Day in Miraflores

Up at 7. Watched a smaller but still good size crowd below stretching, running, jogging and biking their way along the Malecon. Old and young, pretty and dumpy, all trying to get an early start to their Sunday. Rained a little last night making things a darker shade of green. The sea is beautiful and empty except for surfers enjoying a slight off shore breeze. No parasailing yet. Not sure where all the fishing is done here but I can see about 25 miles of coastal waters with very few active fishing boats. They say that this is one of the most plentiful fishing areas of any ocean and that is obvious if you visit the markets here. Shellfish is significantly more expensive here than in Ecuador probably due to the massive shrimp farming industry there. 

Walked the 3 mile trek to Larcomar and ate brunch at the other Tanta restaurant. The Soltado sandwich on chibata bread with onions tomatoes and peppers was excellent and Irene had eggs. We met Laura from Philly who was sitting next to us. We heard her amazing stories about what it's like to be a Peace Corps worker in Peru's high desert. She makes a whopping $333 a month! I'm thinking we could afford to pay people like Laura a whole lot more than that!

Finished our exercise by finding another neighborhood we hadn't walked through and got back about 3PM. Weather cooled to a high of 86 inland and about 82 on the cliffs. The evening temperature was at an even 70 at 8PM with a cool Pacific breeze which we enjoyed on the balcony. Watched the replay of Djokovich besting Roger Federer. 

Our last full day is mañana and we were out like a light at 10.

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