Saturday, January 16, 2016

A Circus of Sport on the Cliffs of Lima.

It's Saturday in Miraflores. We have been here since November 30th.
Although I am usually the one to sleep in, I rose at 6AM feeling well rested and
full of energy. So I opened the balcony sliding glass windows and was greeted
with a throng of walkers, runners, bikers and skateboarders with a few others doing
their own individual workouts at various stations in the Park. So I decided to
describe the scene to you through my eyes and muse:

The women are generally dressed to the nines with the latest running gear and
matching attire. They are rarely very far out of shape. These are the elite members
of Peruvian society and I note a similarity to their American counterparts except with a
happier way about them. They run/walk in groups, some with men, some not. A lot of
conversation permeates this relatively silent time of day.

The men are much more serious about their workout and amazingly even more fit.
They too are dressed in style and prepared for the workout. The men are more often
in ones or twos with a lot less chatter.

I decided to count the number of folks exercising as they passed underneath my 8th floor
vantage point. I was surprised to note about 1000 people per hour coming in and out of view
as they enter and disappear almost as rapidly.
The scene blooms with even more activity as the futbol and volleyball players take the
two courts and one field at 8AM.

Needless to say (but I will anyway) that I never tire of morning coffee on the balcony no
matter how early or late I rise.

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